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Tensor Networks


Here I assume the reader is familiar with the basics of probability theory and tensor networks.


The goal here is to explain the relationship between tensor networks and the Ising model.

The Ising model is really just a Markov random field with a 2D square lattice topology. It is therefore a classical probability distribution, on the Cartesian product of \(L_xL_y\) boolean variables, where \(L_x,L_y\) is the width (resp. height) of the lattice. The normalization constant (partition function) is given by:

\[ Z_{cl}(K_x, K_\tau) = \sum_s e^{\sum_i K_xs_is_{i+x} + K_\tau(s_is_{i+\tau} - 1)} \]

where \(s_i, s_{i+x}\) are horizontal neighbours and \(s_i, s_{i+\tau}\) are vertical neighbours, the sum is over all possible configurations of the boolean variables (spins, as physicists call them), and \(K_x, K_\tau\) are parameters. \(\beta\) is set to \(1\). The \(-1\) in the second term doesn't change the physics, but is convenient for the derivations below.

The Ising model as a quantum system

As is often the case, we can also find a quantum system with Hamiltonian \(H_q\) with a canonical partition function that is the same as the classical system we started with. Concretely, \(Tr[(e^{- H_q})^{L_y}] = Tr[e^{- L_yH_q}] = Z_{cl}\), with:

\[ H_q(K_x,K_\tau) = -\sum_i b(K_\tau) \sigma_1(i) + K_x\sum_i \sigma_3(i)\sigma_3(i+1) \]

where \(\sigma_3(i) := I_1 \otimes \ldots \otimes I_{i-1} \otimes \sigma_3 \otimes \ldots I\), \(K\) is a parameter, and \(b(K) = \tanh^{-1}(e^{-2K})\). This is the transverse Ising model.

A state in the transverse Ising model lives in the Hilbert space \(\bigotimes_i^N \mathbb{C}^2\). As you'd expect, the classical states of a single site \(i\) are the eigenvalues of \(\sigma_3(i)\).


\(b\) is an involution, and is related to the Kramers–Wannier duality. Taking the simplest case of \(K_\tau = K_x := K\), note that each choice of \(K\) yields a transverse Ising model, which yields a classical Ising model, which is a distribution. So we can think of \(K\) as the coordinates on a manifold of distributions. The duality is simply that \(K\) and \(b(K)\) denote the same distribution, or more precisely:

\[ \frac{Z(K)}{(\sinh 2K)^{\frac{N}{2}}} = \frac{Z(b(K))}{(\sinh 2b(K))^{\frac{N}{2}} } \]

This can be seen by the fact that for the Hamiltonian, \(-\sum_i b(K) \sigma_1(i) + K\sum_i \sigma_3(i)\sigma_3(i+1)\), \(K \mapsto b(K)\) is the same as switching \(\sigma_1(i)\) and \(\sigma_3(i)\sigma_3(i+1)\), which is how the duality is usually presented.


We want to show that \(Tr[e^{-L_y H_q}] = Z_{cl}\).


\[ V_1 := \frac{e^{\sum_i^N b(K)\sigma_1(i)}}{\cosh^N b(K)} \\ \quad \quad \quad \\ V_3 := e^{\sum_i K\sigma_3(i)\sigma_3(i+1)} \]

so that \(e^{-H_q - C}=V_1V_3\) for some constant \(C\).

We then calculate \(\langle s'|V_1V_3|s\rangle\) for two states \(s, s'\) that are both eigenvectors of all \(\sigma_3(i)\):

\[ \langle s' | V_1V_3 | s \rangle \\ = \langle s' | V_1| s \rangle e^{\sum_i Ks_is_{i+1}} \\ = \prod_i^N\langle s_i' | \frac{e^{\sigma_1(i)}}{\cosh b(K)}| s_i \rangle e^{\sum_i Ks_is_{i+1}} \]
\[ = \prod_i\langle s_i' | \frac{\cosh b(K) I + \sinh b(K)\sigma_1(i)}{\cosh b(K)}| s_i \rangle e^{\sum_i Ks_is_{i+1}} \]
\[ = \prod_i\langle s_i' | I + \tanh b(K)\sigma_1(i)| s_i \rangle e^{\sum_i Ks_is_{i+1}} \]
\[ = (\delta_{s_i, s'_i} + \delta_{s_i, -s'_i}e^{-2K})e^{\sum_i Ks_is_{i+1}} \]

Observe that for \(L_y=1\), \(Tr[e^{-L_yH_q}]=\sum_{s,s'}\langle s' | V_1V_3 | s \rangle\), which is what we just calculated, and is evidently equal to the classical partition function \(Z_{cl}\). The result extends to \(L_y=n\) in an obvious way.

Graphically, we have \(e^{-H_q}\):

Ising Tensor Network

The Ising model as an MPO

The next observation is that \(e^{-H_q}\) is actually an MPO, that is:

Ising MPO

This is easy to show. Recalling that \(\exp(i\theta v\cdot \overrightarrow\sigma) = \cos(\theta)I + i\sin(\theta)v\cdot \overrightarrow \sigma\), observe that \(e^{i\sum_j^N (-ib(K))\sigma_1(j)} = \prod_j e^{i(-ib(K))\sigma_1(j)} = \prod_j(\cos(ib(K))I + \sin(ib(K))\sigma_1(j))\) which is just a tensor product of 2x2 matrices. Similarly, \(e^{i\sum_j (-iK)\sigma_3(j)\sigma_3(i+1)} = \prod_j e^{i(-iK)\sigma_3(j)\sigma_3(i+1)} = \prod_j(\cos(-iK)I + i\sin(-iK)\sigma_3(j)\sigma_3(i+1))\), which is an MPO.

To calculate \(Z_{cl}\), we then contract the MPO against itself repeatedly.

Defects (Excitations)

One can then study variations to this tensor network, such as the effect of interposing a 1D tensor network in the middle of the Ising TN.

For physical reasons, these are called defects, and have an algebraic structure that has come up a lot in recent theoretical quantum condensed matter physics.

I believe they form a fusion category, isomorphic to the category of representations1 of some Lie group, maybe \(SU(2) \times SU(2)\)?

Under construction...

  1. That is, a category where the objects are irreducible representations (i.e. functors from a given group to the category of vector spaces) and the morphisms are natural transformations between these functors, which amount to linear maps satisfying an intertwining condition. This category has a monoidal product and a direct sum, both inherited from linear algebra. Rules for e.g. addition of angular momentum, which is about the direct sum decomposition of the monoidal product of irreps are, I think, the fusion rules of the category.