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Computer Science

\(\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}\) \(\newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}}\) \(\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}}\) \(\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}\)



Every mathematical object has a type[^1]. For instance, the integer \(5\) has type \(\Z\), and the function \(x \mapsto x + 4\) has type \(\Z \to \Z\) (or perhaps \((\R \to \R)\) depending on how we interpret \(4\)).

[^1: There are other ways of looking at things, but this kind of statement is fine at the level of detail we're concerned with.]

The pair \((4,5)\) has type \((\Z, \Z)\), while the pair \(((x \mapsto x + 4), 5)\) has type \(((\Z \to \Z), \Z)\).

Conventionally, we write \(4 : \Z\) to mean \(4\) is an object with type \(\Z\).

It is often very convenient to clarify the types of a function by writing e.g. \(\phi(x : A) : B\), which should be understood to mean: \(\phi\) is a function evaluated at \(x\) of type \(A\), and returns a value \(\phi(x)\) of type \(B\). From this we infer that \(\phi\) has type \(A \to B\).


The function \(x \mapsto x\) really has type \((\forall a, (a \to a))\), in other words, for any type a, take a value of that type and return it.

Higher order functions

The function \(f(x)=x^2\) has type \(\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}\); it takes a number as argument. However, there are situations where we are interested in functions which take functions are arguments, or return functions as output.

For example, the function \(map\) takes a function \(f\) and a list \(l\), and applies \(f\) to each element of the list. So \(map : \forall a, b: (a \to b) \to List(a) \to List(b)\), where if \(C\) is a type, \(List(C)\) is the type whose values are lists whose elements all have type \(C\).


A function can also return a function, for instance \(f := x \mapsto (y \mapsto y + x)\) is a function which takes a number and returns a function which takes a second number and adds the first number to it. So \(f(4)\) is an "add 4" function, so that \((f(4))(5)=9\). It has type \(f : \Z \to (\Z \to \Z)\).

When we write \(f(4)\), we say that we have "partially applied" \(f\) to \(4\).

We could also define a function \(g := (x,y) \mapsto x+y : (\Z, \Z) \to \Z\).

\(f\) and \(g\) are isomorphic (in the category SET) and the functions mapping from \(f\) to \(g\) and back are known as uncurrying and currying respectively.

Recursion and corecursion